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Study in Malaysia

Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia. It consists of 13 states and three federal territories. In Malaysia there are government-funded and private institutions. The government funded institutions are comprised of public colleges, polytechnics and universities. Private universities are comprised of non-university institutions such as colleges, and university status institutions like private universities and campuses of foreign universities in Malaysia.

Why study in Malaysia?

Students will receive quality education at an affordable cost while earning their degree in Malaysia. Typical course fees include registration, tuition, deposit, laboratory fees, course materials and health insurance. Apart from these, the cost of living is very low compared to other countries, and students are permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours/week when they are studying in Malaysia, as long as they obtain a student permit.

Higher Education in Malaysia

The growing reputation afforded to private universities in Malaysia has attracted thousands of international students across the globe from the past decade.

Better known universities in Malaysia include:

  • Monash University Malaysia Campus
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • Sarawak Campus and Malaysia’s oldest university
  • The University of Malaya
  • University Teknologi Malaysia
  • University Sains Malaysia
  • Monash University Malaysia
  • Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
  • Sunway University
  • University Malaysia Sarawak
  • University Kuala Lumpur

Students can obtain Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Malaysian universities in the same amount of time as the European and American degree programs. Most of the private and all public universities offer Master of Science degrees by completing necessary research and coursework. Doctorate degrees are earned when students can display research results in the form of a published paper. Malaysia also has polytechnic colleges that look like traditional vocational schools offering associate degrees, advanced diploma degrees, or certificates of special skills.

Here are some of the top benefits of studying in Malaysia:

  • Established and high-quality education system and standards
  • Capability to get foreign degree qualifications from countries like the US, UK, Australia, Canada, etc. by studying fully in Malaysia, at a much lower cost
  • Amazing quality of life guaranteed
  • When compared to other countries, low expenditure of studying and living is possible in Malaysia
  • Immigration procedures are very straightforward
  • Happy, peaceful and safe living
  • Wonderful and eye-catching travel destinations
  • Multi-ethnic country with a vast variety of cultures
  • Malaysia is a food haven for people who want to experience some incredible cuisines from all over the world.

Education Costs in Malaysia

Malaysia is a preferred location for many international students because of the low cost of living and education. A bachelor’s degree can range from RM 43,000 to RM 100,000 depending on the course being opted. Post-graduate degrees can range between RM 1,800 to 30,000 depending on the course, and whether the university is public or private. The cost of living in Malaysia goes up to RM 1,200 per month.

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